Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer!

Universal Education Aid has been doing whatever it takes to improve accessibility to quality education for children. There are many ways you can volunteer to support our mission. Whether you choose to volunteer on a one-time or ongoing basis, your involvement on behalf of children can start a ripple of change – changing the lives of children and the society at large.

Project Sponsorship

Project sponsorship is an opportunity for organisations to make tangible and measurable impact within a chosen community by funding a specific project which drives positive change. We are happy to hold discussions, suggesting societies where children have the most needs, giving clarity on the difference your organisation can make through your sponsorship. We look forward to creating impact with you.

Employee Engagement – Custom Events

We understand the power of many. Uniting and mobilising employees is no different. We know it is a powerful tool which can be utilised to change the world for good. With our employee engagement opportunities, a shared vision which creates a better today and tomorrow for children is acted upon in a manner that aligns with your corporate values.

We are able to create made to order events or targets, customized to fit your corporate needs.